As this strange long year races to a close, it is time to reinvest in the future of the Bradley Beach Historical Society & Museum. Renew your membership now to support the dedicated community that is so committed to preserving the rich history of our special little town.
Looking back, we did the Pandemic Pivot and offered an amazing array of engaging virtual programs. As a result, Bradley lovers have been reaching out across the miles as well as back in time to share stories, memorabilia, and artifacts.
Your membership will help us keep up the momentum. We are starting to archive our vast collection which requires a significant investment of time and materials. We are planning a video series featuring stories behind the popular Boardwalk signs on display each summer. This ongoing project will require the purchase of special equipment and many volunteer hours. We will host a series of virtual Bradley Beach Elementary School Reunions.
Please renew today so we can do what we plan and much more. Thank you.
Download Membership Form to complete renewal by mail
Purchase Membership Online
Paul Neshamkin, President
Jayne Mackta, VP: Membership and Programs