Bradley Beach Elementary School
Virtual Reunion on ZOOM
Classes of 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, and 1989
Sunday, January 16, 2022 at 3 PM (EST)
Do Your Homework
- Start thinking about your time at Bradley Beach Elementary School.
Who was your BFF? What was your favorite class? Who was your favorite teacher? What’s your favorite memory of your Washington trip? What was the best advice a teacher gave you? Do you remember performing in a holiday concert or school play? - Dig out old photo albums; search dusty old storage boxes to find school memorabilia.
- Send BBHS Send photos & memories: or Paul Neshamkin, BBHS, 411 1/2 La Reine Avenue, Bradley Beach, NJ 07720. We will scan and return photos and papers.
- Find old classmates and send BBHS current contact information:
- Provide names of classmates (and dates, if possible) who have passed for Class In Memoriam page.
Complete the Reunion Survey
Download and complete this Reunion Survey and return no later than January 1, 2022.
Email to Miss Gal (Maryann Galassetti):
Mail to Paul Neshamkin, BBHS President
411 1/2 LaReine Ave, Bradley Bech, NJ 07720