On Monday, June 3, BBHS is hosting its 2nd annual Virtual Stroll to revisit Delis, Luncheonettes, Soda Shoppes and Barber Shops featuring your stories from the 1950s through 70s. Start thinking back to Antone’s, Fred Sciarappa’s Barber Shop, Lee’s Barber Shop, Jane Logan Shoppe, Frances Sweet Shop, La Nonna Piancone’s Cafe, Gibbs Deli, Jim’s Diner, and Phil’s Spa.
Register for the Zoom now and start digging into your past for great stories before they are lost.
Whether you are in Florida, California, or down the shore, plan to join old friends online.
A big Thank You to Susan Flood for sending this sweet story:
My mother, Eleanor Turner, was working behind the counter at the Francis Sweet Shop at 318 Main Street on April 1, 1946. Two young brothers, Jim and Ed Slocum, came in for ice cream. Jim was quite taken by Eleanor and that night he told his sister Helen, “Today, I met the girl I am going to marry.” And, marry they did on June 21, 1947. Jim and Eleanor were happily married more than 58 years until Dad died March 31, 1996.
Do you have memories of Karp’s Kosher Deli (626 Main St.); Gibbs Deli (aka Bradley Kosher Deli, 401 Main St.); Jim’s Diner (aka Shore Diner, 810 Main St), or Phil’s Spa (708 Main St)?
Where did you stop for a snack after school?
Where did you get your hair cut? Did your Mom go to a Bradley beauty parlor?
Send your stories right now to jaynemackta@gmail.com. Earlier or later memories can be shared. Photos welcome.
Register Now: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpdu2oqzgoGdEdEW7sVCTqj8x3j7ugaRmJ#/registration